Archive for 2021

Joyeux Noël!
The last service of the year in our fortieth year is complete and we would like to wish all our clients, friends and suppliers a healthy and happy Christmas. We will open our door again from January 4th for lunches only until restrictions lift. Until then, joyeux Noël!

La Liste
We’re delighted to have scored a respectable high of 89.5/100 on the 2022 La Liste selection of the world’s best 1000. You can find out more about La Liste and whet your appetite here. And speaking of appetites, check out our delectable Christmas À La Carte Menu available from today. The countdown to Christmas has […]

This is 40
Our excutive chef, Guillaume Lebrun features in this month’s edition of Food & Wine magazine. After forty years at the stove, inspiring and training the legion of great chefs who have passed through the Guilbaud kitchen not to mention all the clients who have delighted in his creativity, both the words and photography capture the […]